Service Solutions and Rentals
Alltest provides a full suite of services from rentals to on-site repairs and system design. Our team of engineers are here to assist you with any of your testing chamber service needs.
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Is cash flow limited? Want to try before you buy? Renting or leasing equipment is a cost effective way to finance your environmental testing needs. Alltest offers an array of rental and leasing options to streamline costs, including lease-to-own plans for 6 month, 1 year, or 2 year terms.
Note: All rentals must be more than one month.
Please inquire with the sales team to determine the availability of the rental fleet.
Service & Repairs
Alltest Instruments technicians have over 30 years experience in environmental design and chamber repair. Whatever your problem, Alltest Instruments has former OEM engineers on staff to troubleshoot and accomplish the job on the first attempt.
Alltest Instruments provides verification and adjustment to OEM specification with NIST traceable equipment.
In a world of uncertainty, it is important to know that your lab equipment is tuned in for efficacy and efficiency. Calibration keeps labs working smoothly and accurately while keeping in line with compliance and regulation.
Alltest Instruments offers service and calibration contracts. Calibration is recommended at 1 year and 2 year intervals.
Contact Alltest Instruments for a quote on extended calibration or service plans.
Controller Upgrades
Take your equipment to the next level. Alltest’s controller upgrade services can significantly enhance the capabilities and performance of your environmental testing chamber.